Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.767.2 +1 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.767.2 +5 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.770.1 +1 TRAINER.ROTTR: 20 Years Celebration Pack v1.0.767.2.64 +12 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.770.1 +10 TRAINER.ROTTR: 20 Years Celebration Pack v1.0.767.2.64 +7 TRAINER.

Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.813.4_64 +1 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.813.4_64 +14 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.767.2 +9 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.813.4_64 +12 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0 - v1.0.820.0 +19 TRAINER.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0 Fixed Files.Rise of the Tomb Raider v20160806 Fixed Files.Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.668.1 Fixed Files.